Friday, April 6, 2012


Sitting together over lunch one day, Zig Ziglar told me, “You will always have something to give if you have a word of encouragement.” Just like my dear friend, Zig, my DNA is loving to see others encouraged.

I wrote a small book titled, “B12…Doses of Encouragement.” Today I want to share a chapter from the book in the hope of giving you a boost. I am also providing a link to receive a free weekly “B12” shot for you to receive as you run your life race.

This race is designed to be more than a rat race or stuck on a treadmill going nowhere while exhausted in the attempt. Life’s race has a winner’s circle with your name etched on a trophy awaiting you.

This race is not only about enduring, but also conquering. Each terrain of the journey has value and each season essential.  You just need faith—faith in the One Who designed you and who knows your potential, desires and purpose; faith in yourself as you confidently reach for more; faith in others who have been strategically placed along the sidelines of this incredible race; and faith to see beyond.

You can do it!

Day 12—FAITH
Faith is visionary and advances forward, even when things look impossible. In fact, with faith nothing is impossible. Faith fuels hope and makes evident the things you cannot see. Faith unlocks doors and reveals hidden treasures, and its discoveries are unending. Faith comforts, compels, catapults and causes you to be strengthened for every new day. Faith believes.

1 John 5:4
And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

What keeps you from believing?

May your faith grow stronger.

Receive a weekly “dose of encouragement” at: A corresponding audio accompanies each "B12" encouragement. McEnjoy!

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