Monday, April 20, 2009

A First...

Hello world—I decided to blog!

The world of blogging is appealing to me for it seems random at times,
casual in style, unpredictable, with no deadlines or expectations. In many
ways, it seems like my own personal column like “Dear Abby” or something

My children seem so techno savvy with their increasing computer activity,
texting, twittering, face book and more. I, on the other hand, prefer the
phone and E-mail—until now. I have decided to jump into the blogging world
and see where it takes me. Can it really be that hard? Is it rewarding? Who
has the time to read my random thoughts and topics anyway? Is everyone else
busy texting and face booking to even remember the blogging daze?!

I am told that grammar and punctuation is not important and English rules
taboo—just write! So I am wondering…is it like a journal for the world to
read? Does it have merit to the lonely and downhearted who had their texting
taken away? Is it for the computer junkie who has engaged in this
increasing social network? What does blog even mean?

Recently, I was speaking in Atlanta, Georgia. A man seated at our table
challenged me to begin to blog. I asked him if he had been talking to my
children! He laughed and said, “No. I want to know what you have to say.”
Amazing, since we had just met and he had not yet heard me speak.

He went on to tell me that he and a few college buddies started an
E-commerce business three years ago—on a whim. 20 million dollars later, he
was sitting at our table challenging me to have a larger presence on the

Well, I don’t know that blogging will suddenly thrust me into wealth and
millions, but I do have something to say. It will be random at times and
always full of life because each day and memory is valuable. Since
contemplating my blogging journey, I already have a list of things I want to
write about. If the millions come, then so be it. Based on our spiraling
economy, it would make sense that inflation has taken over and no more will
a “penny for your thoughts” work in this culture. No doubt, the journey will
be rich! Stay tune for my next deposit.